Scientific Publications
Students’ Scientific Theses with Reference to CSDP
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find excellent theses created by students.
Booklet on the Initiative
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find the booklet on the European Initiative for the exchange of young officers, inpired by Erasmus, which the authors Col Assoc. Prof. Harald GELL, PhD & Dr. Sylvain PAILE-CALVO & LtCol (AF) Symeon ZAMBAS published in August 2018.
European Military Basic Officer Education
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find publications of Dr. Sylvain Paile-Calvo among them the new compendium with the Name " From European Mobility to Military Interoperability".
2016 Paile-Calvo From European Mobility to Military Interoberability.pdf
iMAF Books
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find the outcomes of the annual international Military Academy Forum (iMAF). Details about the respective iMAFs you can find on the following homepage:
Evaluation Reports
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find publications concerning evaluation reports.
GR HAFA Bampenko 2022 02 14_18 Unmanned Aerial Systems External Evaluation Report.pdf
CSDP Olympiad Booklets
By clicking onto "Read more" you can find publications concerning the CSDP Olympiads.